Sunday 4 December 2016

Christmas Evening with Yoga Me Happy

Thank you so much to all who came to our first annual Christmas celebration on Friday 2nd December.

2016 has been a wonderful year and feel incredibly priviledged to teach such a wonderful group of people.

Christmas & New Year Yoga Schedule

LAST CLASS - Thursday 15th December
Closed from Friday 16th December to Wednesday 4th January
FIRST CLASS BACK - Thursday 5th January

Huge love and Om Shanti x

Friday 2 December 2016

Christmas Drinks! Friday 2nd Dec from 6.30pm

Come and join us to celebrate a year of Yoga with Yoga Me Happy.
This is our first annual Christmas get together, but hoping that it will be the start of something wonderful :-)

Join us at Mirth, Marvel & Maud from 6.30pm
Friday 2nd December

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Final Class at Premier Fitness Club, Finsbury Park - Tuesday 29th November 2016

Following my recent training, I have been spending time contemplating my next step as a teacher and will be focusing more attention on Special Yoga. And so it is with regret that I will be ending my Finsbury Park sessions. 

The last class at Premier Fitness will be Tuesday 29th November.

I would however like to invite all the Finsbury Park yogis to join our Dynamic Hatha Flow session every Wednesday at 7.45pm for just £8pp. 

Thank you for your understanding and loyal following over the last 4 years.

Eliza x

Monday 3 October 2016

Position of the month - Standing Bow Pose

Standing Bow Pulling Pose (Dandyamana Dhanurasana)


Making sure the toes on the standing foot (as in the picture we'll start off with the left) are facing directly forward and are splayed wide for full grounding and support.

Taking hold of the inside of the right foot with the right hand (little finger closest to the body and the thumb facing the back of the room)

Knees should be close together and in one line, the right knee pointing towards the floor.

Whilst here, tuck the tail bone under and gently soften through the shoulders with a deep exhale.


Bring the left arm up to the ceiling, inside of the upper arm close to the ear.

Place thumb and forefinger together in a mudra gesture.


Start to kick the right foot backwards away from the body, lengthening through the arm.

Keep the chest high and the torso upright until the leg is at full extension.

Then, charge the left arm forward, the torso will come down, but try to keep the chest high.

Lengthen the body in both directions by pulling equally on the right arm and reaching the left arm forward.

To release, gently bring the left arm back up and the right knee back parallel with the left knee and gently place the right foot on the floor.

Repeat on the other side.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Twist yourself fabulous with the Lord of the Fishes

Get a spring in your step with arguably one of the most beneficial yoga poses in the book. Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Fishes Pose is a spinal twist that will help your feel fabulous in oh so many ways:
  1. Spine – this pose has obvious benefits for the spine, the fact that you are opening and releasing the space between the vertebrae will aid in alleviating back pain, especially that caused by sitting at a desk etc.
  2. Alignment – following on from the above, because the whole of the spine is used, the problems associated with many back complaints can be helped with this pose, such as sciatica, scoliosis and lordosis.*
  3. Digestive system – the positioning of the front of the body means that your internal organs around your tummy will get mildly compressed. This means that blood gets restricted to the area and then, when released, fresh new blood rushes into the digestive system and stimulates the system to work better.
  4. Upper body stretch – the chest opens with the full twist, which serves to stretch the shoulders and neck.
  5. Hip stretch – because the spine is twisting on its access, the hips will also feel the effects of the stretch.
  6. Fertility – there are also some schools of thought that the reproductive system is also stimulated through the position and therefore helps with fertility
*please note, any back problems involving discs, slipped or bulging, consult your yoga practitioner or medical professional for individual advice, as this position may exacerbate the problem.

How to…
A step-by-step guide of how to get in and out of the position
  1. Sit with legs out-stretched
  2. Bend the right knee and place the right foot to the left hand side of the left leg, roughly in line with the left knee
  3. Make sure that the right hip doesn’t raise and both hips are on the floor. It may be beneficial to remove the flesh from the sit bones (underside of the pelvis) with the hands to ensure that you are sitting comfortably and flat.
  4. Place the right hand behind the base of the spine for support, you may find it easier to place the hand flat or come onto the finger tips, whichever is better to get you in a good position to make the spine as upright as possible.
  5. With a deep inhale, raise the left arm up alongside the ear to stretch the right side of the body.
  6. Bend the left arm at the elbow and position the elbow to the right hand side of the right knee, whilst keeping the stretch through the left side of the body. Do this with your exhale breath.
  7. On your next inhale, push the right fingertips (or palm if the hand is flat) into the floor and raise the crown of the head (the central part of the top of the head, not the chin) to lengthen the spine and open the front of the body.
  8. On your next exhale, use the left elbow as a lever to start to rotate the lower body, from the bottom of the abdomen to the right, work up from the bottom, so the belly, then ribcage, shoulders, the neck and the head. Try to avoid taking the head round straight away, as you’ll get a deeper twist if you start from the bottom of the spine.
  9. The twist is active, so every inhale sit up taller and every exhale twist just a little further, but don’t overstrain the body and use your breaths.
  10. Repeat on the opposite side.
If you haven’t practiced this position previously I suggest 2 big inhales and exhales and then release on your last exhale. If you get more comfortable in the position try holding for 5 breaths, then a period of 30 seconds to 1 minute to achieve the full benefits of the pose.

  • If you’re having trouble bringing the front of the body close to the right thigh, you may find it easier to move the right foot slightly further forward towards the left shin, as leg-length can determine the best leg-position for you.
  • If your right shoulder is hunched closed to the ear you might bend the elbow, so that the shoulder can move away from the head, however if you bend the elbow away from you there is a tendency for the spine to sink, so bend the elbow in towards the spine, which means you still have full support, but the chest is more open.
  • If your left shoulder is hunched towards the ear, you may find it easier to bring the left arm straight, with the palm open facing the right hand side. Again, arm length can determine which position is best for you.
  • If you would like a deeper stretch for the hips you can bend the left knee whilst still keeping the leg on the floor, bringing the foot back towards the right sit-bone. Do ensure that both sit-bones stay firmly on the floor, if the hips start to raise, then please bring the leg out straight again.
  • If you would like to open the chest even further and use more of the body to help you twist further by binding. Once in the twist you can bring the left arm underneath the right thigh and grab hold of the outer edge of the left though or hip. Or, if you’re feeling Über flexible, you can take the right had around the back to meet the left hand and grab the wrist to use the extra resistance to aid the twist. 
Please note – if you remove the right had from the base of the spine and there is any sinking in the spine, please replace the hand, as it’s much more important to keep the spinal column upright, rather than binding.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

YOGA for a fiver


Spring clean your YOGA routine with our special offer. Bring any friend throughout April and get your and their class for just £5 each. Just book your space and add their name to the booking form to take advantage of the deal.*


See you on the mat! x

*T&Cs - the above deal can only be used once by each person and the 'friend' has to be new to Yoga Me Happy classes - Enjoy!