Wednesday 21 August 2013

Position of the Month - Firefly

Firefly (Tittibhasana)

Firefly is arm balance to strengthens the arm joints, firstly the wrists, but also the forearms and shoulders. The position requires core strength to keep the body stable in the position. Along with improving your strength, firefly also works to increase the flexibility of the hamstrings and inner thigh muscles, opens up the upper back and shoulder blades, plus promoting a sense of balance.

PLEASE NOTE: this is considered an advanced yoga pose, so please practice with care. Do not practice if you suffer from any lower back or arm injuries (including shoulders).

Come down into a squat position, feet apart, slightly closer together than shoulder width. It's a good idea to prepare the body before coming into the position, so with that in mind, place the hands to namaste and push the thighs outwards with the inside of the upper arms. Lengthen the back by pushing the pelvis under slightly and opening up through the shoulder blades.

Bring the hands onto the floor, just behind the outside the feet, fingers pointing forward and palms flat on the ground. The arms come through the legs with the shoulders close to the back of the knees.

Bring the pelvis down and shift the centre of gravity back to rest the thighs on to the upper arms.

Shifting the body weight further back, start to bring the legs forward and out to the side on an inhale.

Taking the final position by raising the legs even further, broadening the upper back, straightening through the hamstrings and raising the head. Taking long, slow breaths in the final pose.

To come out of the pose, bend the leg back towards the body, place on the floor in front of the hands and come back into a squat.

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